[J29] Sunpill Kim, Hoyong Shin and Jae Hong Seo*
Deep Face Template Protection in the Wild
Pattern Recognition, TBA -
[J28] Changhao Chenli, Wenyi Tang, Hyeonbum Lee, and Taeho Jung
Fair2Trade: Digital Trading Platform Ensuring Exchange and Distribution Fairness
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Feb 2024. (DOI) -
[J27] Sungwook Kim, Hyeonbum Lee, Gwangwoon Lee, and Jae Hong Seo*
Leopard: Sublinear Verifier Inner Product Argument under Discrete Logarithm Assumption.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, August 2023. (DOI) -
[J26] Hyung Tae Lee and Jae Hong Seo*
On the Security of Functional Encryption in the Generic Group Model.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, May 2023. (DOI) -
[J25] Bora Jeong, Sunpill Kim, Seunghun Paik, and Jae Hong Seo*
Analysis on Secure Triplet Loss.
IEEE Access, Vol.10, pp 124355--124362 Novemver 2022. (DOI) -
[J24] Heewon Chung, Kyoohyung Han, Chanyang Ju, Myungsun Kim, and Jae Hong Seo*
Bulletproofs+: Shorter Proofs for a Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger.
IEEE Access, April 2022. (DOI) -
[J23] Chanyang Ju, Hyeonbum Lee, Heewon Chung, Jae Hong Seo, and Sungwook Kim*
Efficient Sum-Check Protocol for Convolution.
IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp 164047--164059, December 2021. (DOI) -
[J22] Chanyang Ju, Hyeonbum Lee, Heewon Chung, and Jae Hong Seo*
Analysis of Zero-Knowledge Protocols for Verifiable Computation and Its Applications(연산을 검증하기 위한 영지식 증명 프로토콜의 기법 및 응용 사례 분석).
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology(정보보호학회논문지), Vol. 31, pp 675--686, 2021. (DOI) -
[J21] Keita Emura, Jae Hong Seo, and Yohei Watanabe*
Efficient revocable identity-based encryption with short public parameters.
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 863, pp 127--155, April 2021. (DOI) -
[J20] Hyung Tae Lee, San Ling, Jae Hong Seo*, Huaxiong Wang, and Taek-Young Youn
Public key encryption with equality test in the standard model.
Information Sciences, Vol. 516, pp 89--108, March 2020. (DOI) -
[J19] Jae Hong Seo
Efficient Digital Signatures from RSA without Random Oracles
Information Sciences, Vol. 512, pp 471--480, March 2020 . (DOI) -
[J18] Hyung Tae Lee, San Ling, Jae Hong Seo*, and Huaxiong Wang; [alphabetical order]
Public Key Encryption with Equality Test from Generic Assumptions in the Random Oracle Model
Information Sciences, Vol.500, pp 15--33, 2019. (DOI) -
[J17] Sungwook Kim, Jinsu Kim, and Jae Hong Seo*
A New Approach for Practical Function-Private Inner Product Encryption.
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 783, pp 22--40, September 2019. (DOI) -
[J16] Jae Hong Seo, Keita Emura, Keita Xagawa, and Kazuki Yoneyama
Accumulable Optimistic Fair Exchange from Verifiably Encrypted Homomorphic Signatures.
International Journal of Information Security, Vol.17(2), pp193--220, 2018 (DOI) -
[J15] Jinsu Kim, Sungwook Kim, and Jae Hong Seo*
A new Scale-Invariant Homomorphic Encryption Scheme.
Information Sciences, Vol.422, pp 177--187, 2018 (DOI) -
[J14] Jae Hong Seo
Short Signatures from Diffie–Hellman: Realizing Almost Compact Public Key
Journal of Cryptology, Volume 30, Issue 3, pp 735--759, July 2017. (DOI) -
[J13] Hyung Tae Lee, San Ling, Jae Hong Seo*, and Huaxiong Wang; [alphabetical order]
Semi-Generic Construction of Public Key Encryption and Identity-Based Encryption with Equality Test
Information Sciences, Vol.373, pp 419--440, 2016. (DOI) -
[J12] Hyung Tae Lee, San Ling, Jae Hong Seo* and Huaxiong Wang
CCA2 attack and modification of Huang et al.'s public key encryption with authorized equality test
The Computer Journal, 59(11), pp 1689--1694, 2016. (DOI) -
[J11] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura,
Revocable hierarchical identity-based encryption via history-free approach
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.615, pp45--60, 2016. (DOI) -
[J10] Keita Emura, Jae Hong Seo*, and Taek-Young Youn; [alphabetical order]
Semi-generic Transformation of Revocable Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption and its DBDH Instantiation
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E99-A, No.1, pp83--91, Jan. 2016. (DOI) -
[J9] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
Revocable Identity-Based Encryption with Rejoin Functionality
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E97-A, No.8, pp1806--1809, Aug. 2014. (DOI) -
[J8] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
Revocable Identity-Based Cryptosystem Revisited: Security Models and Constructions
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol.9(7), pp1193--1205, 2014. (DOI) -
[J7] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
Revocable Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption
Theoretical Computer Science,Vol.542, pp44--62, 2014. (DOI) -
[J6] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
A Remark on "Efficient Revocable ID-Based Encryption with a Public Channel"
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E96-A, No.11, pp2282--2285, Nov. 2013. (DOI) -
[J5] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
On Discrete Logarithm based Additively Homomorphic Encryption
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E96-A, No.11, pp. 2286--2289, Nov. 2013. (DOI) -
[J4] Jung Hee Cheon, Stanislaw Jarecki, and Jae Hong Seo*; [alphabetical order]
Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Set Intersection with Quasi-linear Complexity
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E95-A, No.8, pp.1366--1378, Aug. 2012. (DOI) -
[J3] Jae Hong Seo
Short Round Sub-linear Zero-Knowledge Argument for Linear Algebraic Relations
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E95-A, No.4, pp.776--789, Apr. 2012. (DOI) -
[J2] Jae Hong Seo, Tetsutaro Kobayashi, Miyako Ohkubo, and Koutarou Suzuki
Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Short Ciphertexts
IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E94-A, No.1, pp.45--56, Jan. 2011. (DOI) -
[J1] Jae Hong Seo, HyoJin Yoon, Seongan Lim, Jung Hee Cheon, and Dowon Hong
Analysis of Privacy-Preserving Element Reduction of a Multiset
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.46, No.1, pp.59--69, 2009. (DOI)
## Conference
[C23] Seunghun Paik, Dongsoo Kim, Chanwoo Hwang, Sunpill Kim and Jae Hong Seo
Towards Certifiably Robust Face Recognition
ECCV 2024, (DOI) -
[C22] Seunghun Paik, Dongsoo Kim, Chanwoo Hwang, Sunpill Kim and Jae Hong Seo
On the Certifiable Robustness of Face Recognition Systems
CISC-S 2024, (TBA) -
[C21] Hyeonbum Lee, Kyuhwan Lee, Wenyi Tang, Shankha Shubhra Mukherjee, Jae Hong Seo, and Taeho Jung
PrivHChain: Monitoring the Supply Chain of Controlled Substances with Privacy-Preserving Hierarchical Blockchain
IEEE ICBC 2024, (DOI) -
[C20] Sunpill Kim, Yong Kiam Tan, Bora Jeong, Soumik Mondal, Khin Mi Mi Aung, and Jae Hong Seo*
Scores Tell Everything about Bob: Non-adaptive Face Reconstruction on Face Recognition Systems
IEEE S&P 2024, (DOI) -
[C19] Seunghun Paik, Sunpill Kim, and Jae Hong Seo*
Security Analysis on Locality-Sensitive Hashing-Based Biometric Template Protection Schemes.
BMVC 2023 (Oral), (DOI) -
[C18] Hyeonbum Lee, and Jae Hong Seo*
TENET : Sublogarithmic Proof and Sublinear Verifier Inner Product Argument without a Trusted Setup.
IWSEC 2023, (DOI) -
[C17] Sungwook Kim, Hyeonbum Lee, and Jae Hong Seo*
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments in Discrete Logarithm Setting: Sublogarithmic Proof or Sublinear Verifier
[C16] Chanyang Ju, Wenyi Tang, Changhao Chenli, Gwangwoon Lee, Jae Hong Seo, and Taeho Jung
Monitoring Provenance of Delegated Personal Data With Blockchain.
IEEE Blockchain 2022, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 15.3%). -
[C15] Sunpill Kim, Yunseong Jeong, Jinsu Kim, Jungkon Kim, Hyung Tae Lee, and Jae Hong Seo*
IronMask: Modular Architecture for Protecting Deep Face Template
CVPR 2021, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 23.7%). -
[C14] Yohei Watanabe, Keita Emura, and Jae Hong Seo
New Revocable IBE in Prime-Order Groups: Adaptively Secure, Decryption Key Exposure Resistant, and with Short Public Parameters
CT-RSA 2017, (DOI). -
[C13] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
Adaptive-ID Secure Revocable Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption
IWSEC 2015, (DOI). -
[C12] Jae Hong Seo, Keita Emura, Keita Xagawa, and Kazuki Yoneyama
Accumulable Optimistic Fair Exchange from Verifiably Encrypted Homomorphic Signatures
ACNS 2015, (DOI). -
[C11] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
Revocable Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption: History-Free Update, Security Against Insiders, and Short Ciphertexts
CT-RSA 2015, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 23.4%). -
[C10] Jung Hee Cheon, Hyung Tae Lee, and Jae Hong Seo; [alphabetical order]
A New Additive Homomorphic Encryption based on the co-ACD Problem
ACM-CCS 2014, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 19.5%). -
[C9] Hyung Tae Lee and Jae Hong Seo*; [alphabetical order]
Security Analysis of Multilinear Maps over the Integers
IACR-CRYPTO 2014, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 26%). -
[C8] Florian Böhl, Dennis Hofheinz, Tibor Jager, Jessica Koch, Jae Hong Seo, and Christoph Striecks; [alphabetical order]
Practical Signatures from Standard Assumptions
IACR-EUROCRYPT 2013, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 20%). -
[C7] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
Revocable Identity-Based Encryption, Revisited: Security Definition and Construction
IACR-PKC 2013, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 28%). -
[C6] Jae Hong Seo and Keita Emura
Efficient Delegation of Key Generation and Revocation Functionalities in Identity-Based Encryption
CT-RSA 2013, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 28%). -
[C5] Jae Hong Seo
On the (Im)possibility of Projecting Property in Prime-Order Setting
IACR-ASIACRYPT 2012, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 17%). -
[C4] Jae Hong Seo, Jung Hee Cheon, and Jonathan Katz
Constant-Round Multi-Party Private Set Union using Reversed Laurent Series
IACR-PKC 2012, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 22%). -
[C3] Jae Hong Seo and Jung Hee Cheon
Beyond the Limitation of Prime-Order Bilinear Groups, and Round Optimal Blind Signatures
IACR-TCC 2012, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 27%). -
[C2] Jae Hong Seo
Round-Efficient Sub-linear Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Linear Algebra
IACR-PKC 2011, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 27%). -
[C1] Jae Hong Seo, Tetsutaro Kobayashi, Miyako Ohkubo, and Koutarou Suzuki
Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertexts
IACR-PKC 2009, (DOI) (acceptance rate = 25%).